Lessons from Morty Wolf Dog

This blog is about the amazing adventures of Morty Wolf Dog:
how he changed and enriched my life; even showed me a better way to live and to be;
all of which I didn't really get until his bone cancer diagnosis pulled the rug out from under my feet.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I can't imagine not keeping Kime

I have to tell the rescue organization whether I'm Kime's forever home or not by Monday. She's been with me since Friday - a week tomorrow - and it has already been an amazing journey. She's gone from terror to contentment and has learned so much already. Today when I came home from school I found these items in Kime's bed - they were in the bathroom on the counter a few metres away. Her toys don't interest her at all. I hope she's not too lonely - it makes me wish I could foster another dog to keep her company - now that's an idea...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The harness was a must. Ki Me has strong reactions to lots of things outside and her go to behaviour is wriggle free and run. She used her paws to take her collar off in a moment of panic and when on the street is always ready to bolt. Best walk time is after 10 pm - we make our way down a some what quiet street to the park with huge fenced in baseball diamond with trees close to the tracks. She relaxes here most and already had a brief play with another rescue, Lex, a hound dog from Louisiana. Walking home next to another dog seemed to calm her down a lot but there were still several angst ridden moments and uncertainties on the way. She's shown some signs of playfulness at home today too - no interest in Morty's toys but she likes to grab socks and slippers. Also starting to come when I call her to give her liver treats. She ran around the back yard this morning too and a little bit at the park too. Her first day alone in the kitchen for awhile seems to have been fine and she walked into the house for the first time without me carrying her up the porch steps this evening. She's changing and adapting so fast. She so smart and definitely happier.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kime (pronounced Kee Mae) arrived today. She's a rescue from St. Marten.

This is Kime on her way to my house in the rescue lady's car. I have been missing the great wolf dog a lot - the fourth anniversary of his passing is coming up and I had been putting tobacco down and talking to him a lot when a friend sent me Kime's photo. She is maybe 1 or 2 years old and was flown in four days ago from St. Marten where she was living as a stray. She had been rounded up along with 80 other dogs and placed into a shelter where she was living in an outdoor run with 30 other dogs. She needed a foster home or would have been placed in a kennel. I thought fostering would be a good way to honour Morty. He gave me so much. So I do this in the spirit of gratitude and service.  Given what Kime has been through she's pretty calm inside. This is only the second house she has ever been in and  being indoors is an adventure: lots of things freak her out stairs, mirrors, electric toothbrushes even dog toys. She did not accept a treat for hours and would not eat any food until very late last night. She takes one mouthful runs back to the bedroom and jumps on the bed to eat it, then back for another one and so on… She's clearly always had to grab food and run. She's a timid little girl so was probably pretty far down the pack hierarchy in the mass shelter she was in. 

She woke up playful today which was so beautiful to see, rolled over on her back in my bed and did the wiggly thing with her paws stretched out. Also she is very tentatively playing with one of Morty's old toys although she prefers her reflection in the mirror who she has stopped growling at now and just wants to play with.